Pregnancy Gingivitis:
Pregnancy gingivitis is an inflammatory change in the gum tissue that appears during pregnancy, caused by hormonal imbalances. It is usually limited to the gum tissue between the teeth, but can be more widely spread depending on the individual and their home care. Regular brushing two times daily and flossing at least once daily will help keep any inflammation under control.
Acid Erosion:
During the first few months of pregnancy, some individuals experience high levels of morning sickness and vomiting. Due to this sickness, acid comes in frequent contact with the teeth. A diet of low acidic foods will help to control this sickness and any acid reflux or heart burn you may experience. Avoid high amounts of citrus based juices and foods. Always brush your teeth after vomiting to remove any acid left behind.
Diabetes and Pregnancy:
Gestational diabetes occurs in 2-5 % of pregnancies. It is usually diagnosed after 24 weeks of gestation. Any inflammation process, including an acute or chronic periodontal infection such as pregnancy gingivitis, or periodontal disease can make controlling diabetes more difficult. Poorly controlled diabetes is associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. Meticulous dental hygiene and control of dental infections is important in pregnant women. Controlling all sources of acute or chronic inflammation helps control diabetes.
Key Things to Remember:
- Visit your dentist regularly and continue with preventative care.
- Brush twice daily, and floss at least once a day.
- Follow your Doctors recommendations for healthy prenatal care.
- Seek advice from your Obstetrician or Family Physician if you are unsure about what Dental treatment may be safe for you and your pregnancy
- Dental care is safe and essential during pregnancy. Being pregnant is not a reason to defer routine dental care or treatment. With the use of digital x-rays and lead apron barriers, exams and diagnosis of dental problems can be taken care of safely. Cleanings, fillings, root canals, crowns and extractions can also be done without harm. Preventative care should continue on a normal basis, with routine care every 6 months, or as otherwise directed.
- Acute infections can be managed with a number of antibiotics which are safe to use during pregnancy.
- Emergency care should be provided regardless of what trimester the pregnancy is in. Delaying necessary treatment could cause unforeseen complications or harm to the mother or fetus.